Contact Info


516 E Central Blvd.
Anadarko, OK 73005
United States

Mailing Address

PO Box 369
Carnegie, OK 73015
United States



Language Material Editor

Language/Culture Teacher

Executive Assistant

Language Technician

Language Liaison/Translator

The [Gáui[dóñ:gyà, or Kiowa Language Department, takes a key role in the protection of the Kiowa language and culture. The [Gáui[dóñ:gyà department will coordinate activities that promote the public good rather than individual gain. The varied social groups, linguistic orthographies, and organizations affiliated with the Kiowa Tribe will be acknowledged. The [Gáui[dóñ:gyà will work to preserve and protect the Kiowa history, ensuring future generations are exposed to the Kiowa language. Protecting and perpetuating the Kiowa language is an active priority of all members of the staff.


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